128 Smith Street
Plymouth, WI 53073
Office Number
Phone: 920-893-6541
Fax: 920-892-6143
The Plymouth Police Department is now the county's second Prescription Drug Drop off-site. The Plymouth Police Department has added a permanently mounted prescription drug drop-off container in its lobbies to promote the proper disposal of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. The lobby of the police department is open 24/7 and is a safe and secure drop-off site. Some simple rules to follow:
Keep in the original container:
Don't Drop:
A big thank you to all of our local businesses! You step up to the plate in our communities' times of need, you remember us during the holidays, you make sure we are warm and fed when the going gets tough, and you support our initiatives. We couldn’t do it without you, and that deserves our greatest gratitude. Thanks to each and every one of you for making our job just a little easier.