Library Expansion Survey

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Answer this survey no later than Friday, June 21 to be entered to win a gift card.

Fast Facts about your library.

The library is asking for your input on the redesign of the current facility or the building of a new library.  While the current library building has enough space to house our library materials (Books, DVDs, Magazines, etc.), it does not have enough space to keep up with the demand for events, programs, and technology.

  • 21% increase in library visits in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • 70% increase in WIFI use in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Since January 2024 staff has had 42 questions about study rooms which our current building does not offer.
  • 71% increase in program attendance in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • In a 2022 community survey which received 173 responses, respondents' top priority for improving the physical space of the library is the creation of a quiet space to read, work, study, and/or use the computers, followed by the creation of a Makerspace area, and more collaborative study rooms.

The library is used for more than just checking out library items. Only 40% of the people visiting the library each day actually check out library items. The other 60% use the library space for other reasons.

Click or tap to enlarge the images below.

Library visits 2014-2023

In 2023 we saw a 21% increase in total library visits compared to 2022. This year we are already seeing a 9% increase in library visits as compared to the same time frame (January-May) in 2023. Library visits are also up compared to pre-pandemic numbers. There has been a 19% increase in library visits for January - May 2024 compared to January - May 2019 (the last “normal” year before the pandemic).  The new traffic is split between children and teens after school and more adults using the space for WIFI.

WIFI sessions 2020-2023

In 2023 our total WIFI use increased 70% from the previous year. We are also seeing increased demand for private meeting spaces with the rise of hybrid work, online schools, and other personal needs.

Library item checkout 2014-2023

While use of the physical space for work and study is in the highest demand, physical materials (books, DVDs, games, etc) continue to be checked out in robust numbers. It’s true that electronic audiobooks have largely taken over for books on CD; however, the same is not true for ebooks. Physical books continue to be checked out in similar numbers to a decade ago, and many patrons check out a mix of ebooks and physical books.  To compare, 58,994 books were checked out in 2014, compared to 69,108 in 2023.

There is a clear need for an addition to the current library space or construction of a new building to meet the community’s needs for the next 20+ years. We welcome your input as we make this crucial community decision.