Plan Commission

The Plan Commission is responsible for current and future planning in and around the City of Plymouth.  The Commission’s recommendations for such physical development may include but are not limited to:  the general location, character, and extent of streets, highways, walks, parking areas, parks, parkways, playgrounds, sites for public buildings and structures, and the general location and extent of sewers, water conduits and other public utilities whether privately or publicly owned.  The Commission also maintains a comprehensive zoning plan.

The Commission consists of seven members, the Mayor, four citizens, one alderperson, and others of recognized experience and qualifications, appointed by the Mayor.

Plan Commission meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at 6 pm in Room 305, City Hall.

Committee Members:

  • Donald O. Pohlman, Mayor - Chair
  • Secretary - Zoning Administrator - Jack Johnston
  • Greg Hildebrand, Council Representative
  • John Wyatt
  • Jeremy Schellin
  • Justin Schmitz
  • Ron Nicolaus
  • Jane Meyer